He was noticeably impressed, "Mommy, you are a really speedy reader!"
"Well, you have to be a speedy reader, cuz there's so so much to read!" I quoted from "I Can Read with my Eyes Shut" by Dr. Suess.
"But how am I going to ever be a speedy reader?" The light waning ever so slightly from his impish grin.
"Actually, the only way to become a speedy reader is to start out being a veeeerry slooooow reeeaaader.That's how I got to read so fast. When I was your age, I felt the same way."
And then we started quoting the Dr. Seuss book again. "And when I keep them open/ I can read with much more speed./ You have to be a speedy reader/ 'cause there's so so much to read."
And we were giggling, and then he said, "Like how to bite noses without getting snot on your teeth!"
And then we were more than giggling, we were laughing our veritable tushies off!
"Where did you hear of that one?" Yoram asked, recovering his breath.
"No, Abba, I'm going to write it." Netanel answered evenly, with full confidence.
Yes you will, my sweet one. One day soon, you will.